Saturday 26 April 2014

Individual Evaluation

Throughout this coursework I have worked in a group of 4 to produce a music video for "As Long As You Love Me" by Justin Bieber. I found that working in a group was effective because each person could be set different tasks based around what they were already good at. For example Jacob was set with the task of creating the website because he had [revious experience in this area in which the rest of the group did not. Therefore we found this was a valid choice and was best for the group if we wanted to get a higher standard website created.

My role in the group was to film parts outside of sixth form along with blog posts reflecting on progress and some elements of the research that we completed. I found that I completed my role well and the posts that I uploaded were valid and helped the group with the research and planning of the video that we created.

If I was not in a group I would not have produced what I did in a group mainly because I would not have picked this song or one similar, however I would have gone about it the same way in terms of my research and planning where I would have spent a lot of time looking at the genre in itself and looking at videos from it, comparing the similarities and looking for noticeable differences in terms of the style of the videos. However, if I had completed this task individually I do not think I would have met the standard or deadlines because of the amount of work that has been put into the video because it was a massive help being able to split the workload between us, as an individual I do not have the skills that we did as a group so some of the aspects of the coursework would have suffered because of this.

If I wasnt working as a group I would have chosen a more basic song so that I would be able to complete the task by myself without struggling too much with ideas and filming schedules, I am proud of the work that the group has produced as there was a lot of detailed criteria to be met and I felt that we met that as a group and came out with a good result from it.

I felt that although working in a group was good, I missed out on learning about different technologies because certain tasks were set to people with expperience so I found that I missed out on oppourtunities to become more aware of technolgies and missed an oppourtunity to gain skills in new areas that I may have picked up on if I worked as an individual.

Friday 28 March 2014

First Draft

This is our group's first draft of our music video. We have uploaded it onto YouTube and are currently waiting on audience feedback to see what we can do to the video to make it more suitable for its genre and purpose.

Please leave any comments below!

Friday 21 March 2014

Group Reflections

All of our clips have been filmed and uploaded into iMovie and we have completed a majority of the editing of our music video. It is going well at the moment and we are not really struggling with any timing issues. We are looking at completing the editing and having our final video finished by the end of the day.

Friday 14 March 2014

Artist Poster

This poster for our artist was created using our favourite photo from our shoot with Sidney Sanderson. We completed our shoot whilst we were out filming for our music video. This was created to advertise Sidney's big new single and it was created using the influences from posters from similar artists such as Justin Bieber. Our shoot was successful and we managed to capture some good photos of the artist but we felt that this was most appropriate for our poster.

Wednesday 12 February 2014

Filming Progress

Today we continued filming for our music video. We managed to get the majority of our first verse done including the intro. We have improvised on our footage as we have gone along and have decided to film our first verse as a video inside a video where we will show footage of our video being shot from another perspective. We began to get this footage together today and will use cuts throughout the verses between our actual video and the making of footage to keep the video moving. We are likely to continue with this format throughout the video to keep the style the same.
Most of our first verse is shot in front of a green screen because we are making it look like it has been shot in a studio where later on we will use outdoor footage to show progression and to make more of a story from what we are filming. The green screen effects will only be used on out main footage because the behind the scene footage will look better if it shows the green screen not in use.
We are going to continue filming through half term and begin editing within the next couple of weeks so that we can start putting out final piece together.

Friday 31 January 2014

Theory Application

The Verve - Drugs Don't Work

This is the lyrics video for Drugs Don't Work by The Verve. This song is about Richard Ashcroft's dad who at the time was in hospital being treated for cancer. although this is the meaning of the video, when you apply the reception theory to the video and based on what people take away from this video, some audiences see this song as a warning against drugs by saying that they do not help in certain situations where the opposition of this would say that it encourages drug use during bad times.
The Blumler and Katz theory can also be applied to this video based on the uses and gratifications of the audience where people who take the same opinion on the song can discuss it in detail and can apply it to their own lives, particularly people who are going through the same situation as the one being described throughout the song. This has helped with the ideas of our group music video because we do not have to make the video relate directly to the lyrics in the song to make the video come out at a high standard and also make sense.